Best Tips to Maximize Autoflower Yields

One of the most distressing concerns for marijuana growers is leaving their plants’ safety in the hands of the sunlight cycle. Or controlling the light/dark periods artificially. That’s one gap that autoflowering cannabis greatly fulfills. But how do you maximize autoflower yields? That would be the main pressing issue when it comes to growing this … Read more

What is cannabis oil? An answer to many prayers.

For many years we have been involved with clinical cannabis and the production of cannabis oil with friends who are suffering major illnesses. As the medical group of our local cannabis association expands, more people are coming to the open support meetings, some of whom are successfully treating themselves, others who are looking for information … Read more

Autoflower Vegetative Stage: The Importance of this Phase

growing marijuana outdoors

Ruderalis is the rebel antiestablishment of the plant kingdom. While photoperiods are dependent on the sunlight changes to flower, this bad girl just moves into flowering… and there’s nothing you can do about it! Which makes some growers think that autoflowers have no vegetative stage and it’s not a big deal. However, today I want … Read more

Setting Up an Indoor Grow Room in 5 Easy Steps

Most cannabis users evolve thru the years from rebel teen smokers to authentic marijuana users and advocators with a deeper understanding of the plant and the culture around it.  Reached that point, setting up an indoor grow room comes as a natural part of the evolutionary process.  Now, even veteran smokers believe that building an … Read more

Breeding Autoflowers: A Simple and Effective Guide

If you’re anything like me and you’re looking to enjoy non-stop smokes month after month while you save money, then breeding autoflowers might be the right answer to that claim. Yes, if you take your regular seeds outdoors, we both know you can get that mammoth one-kilo yield, but hey, do you really want to … Read more

Best Tips to Flower Your Cannabis Mother Plant

Using cannabis clones or cuttings is a great way to run your grow room: you get a standardized crop that grows with equal vigor and finishes simultaneously. However, there may come a time when you decide to change your strain and start again from seed, selecting a new mother plant from a batch of seedlings. In … Read more

Moon Rocks: What Makes Them Awesome

moon rocks

Despite what you might think, moon rocks are NOT a new strain of cannabis. What are moon rocks? How potent are they? Keep reading to find out!

CBD: The Astonishing Science Behind

the science of CBD

Table of Contents Every infamous duet has a good guy and a bad guy. In the case of marijuana, THC is the bad guy (or should we call it the “fun guy”?) that caused cannabis to be prohibited for so many years. However, the good guy is now claiming back the spotlight as humankind starts … Read more

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